Dry scalp is unpleasant and can be a real burden in everyday life. Scalp problems are also not uncommon; around 60 percent of men and 40 percent of women suffer from them. The causes of sensitive scalp can be very different. With the right care, the hair and scalp can be relieved and the symptoms can be alleviated.


A dry scalp is characterized by a feeling of tension and irritation on the head. In addition, the hair can also be affected. It feels rough and is difficult to style. It does not contain enough moisture. This is because the skin's outer natural protective barrier loses moisture and becomes damaged. People who have a dry scalp are often also affected by dandruff (squama). Sensitive scalp comes with symptoms such as:

  • BURN,
  • tingling/itching and
  • PAIN.

If the symptoms are particularly pronounced, it is also referred to as an extremely sensitive or hypersensitive scalp. A sensitive scalp leads to an increased susceptibility to dandruff. It's a vicious circle, because the dandruff makes the skin even more sensitive and causes itching, which leads to scratching. The top layer of our entire skin surface is renewed in a four-week cycle. This also applies to your scalp. New cells are formed and the old, dead skin cells are shed as scales. Normally, these tiny cell particles are hardly visible, at least not with the naked eye. However, if the cells are shed too slowly or the new ones develop too quickly, they clump together to form visible scales and get stuck in the hair. Dry scales are fine and not greasy. They trickle down from the head or hair and can cause unpleasant itching and tension.


The cause of a dry scalp can be very diverse. It starts with the wrong hair care products (shampoo, conditioner, etc.), goes on to hormonal changes and environmental causes. In any case, a central point is to use the right shampoo. The wrong product can quickly cause your scalp to become dry and irritated. Environmental factors that can affect the skin include cold, wind, heat and UV rays. Stress is also an important topic and is closely linked to our skin. The skin reacts sensitively to mental or physical stress, and this also applies to the scalp. In women, scalp problems can be a symptom of hormonal changes such as the menstrual cycle, pregnancy or menopause. Food intolerance can also be a cause of sensitive skin and make the scalp appear dry.


Even if you understandably feel like it, under no circumstances should you scratch. This only irritates the dry and irritated scalp even more, and micro-injuries and inflammation can quickly occur. The hair structure is also damaged in the long term by scratching. An itchy scalp is unpleasant, no question about it. If you can't stand it at all, stroke your scalp with a little pressure or massage it lightly. It is also important that you do not wash your hair too hot, as this will make your dry scalp even worse. You should also avoid using a hairdryer, curling iron or any other type of heat and prefer to air dry your hair.

Don't stay in the sun for too long and ideally wear a sun hat. Mild products are particularly suitable for caring for your dry scalp. It is ideal if shampoo, conditioner and conditioner contain anti-inflammatory and soothing ingredients, which also helps against itchy scalp. Suitable here are, for example:

  • Coconut surfactants (gentle),
  • Urea (anti-inflammatory) or
  • glycerin (moisturizing)

Artificial fragrances or dyes should be avoided in shampoo and other care products, as they are not good for your hair anyway. If you are increasingly concerned about the symptoms and the skin on your head becomes inflamed, sore, crusty or weeping, you should definitely see a doctor. Even if you feel like you can't get the dandruff under control on your own, you can seek advice from a doctor. This will then prescribe a special shampoo or an intensive scalp-soothing cream, which is used as therapy-accompanying care for neurodermatitis.


There are some home remedies that can be used for dry scalp. Since the scalp lacks moisture and is therefore dry, you can try moisturizing and oil treatments. These are used before washing your hair and are best left on overnight. Oils such as black cumin oil, olive oil, almond oil and jojoba oil are suitable for an oil treatment.

Gently massage the oil into your hair and scalp and wash it out with a mild shampoo after it has worked. Honey is also good for dry and sensitive scalps as it has an anti-inflammatory effect. All you need is a little honey, which you gently massage into your sensitive scalp and upper hair. Leave the whole thing on for about 20 minutes and use a mild shampoo to rinse the honey out again. A hair mask made from natural yogurt cools the irritated scalp and relieves itching. Massage the natural yogurt into your dry scalp, leave it on for 10 minutes and rinse it out thoroughly with a mild shampoo. To invigorate your scalp, you can rinse with various teas. Suitable for this: nettle tea, chamomile tea, St. John's wort tea or rosemary tea.

The tea should only be lukewarm and rinsed several times with water; shampoo does not necessarily have to be used. Apple cider vinegar is also good for dry and sensitive scalps. This brings the pH value of the scalp back into balance, helps against itchy scalp and gives the hair a beautiful shine. Simply mix 3 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with a liter of water and distribute the mixture through your hair and scalp. Leave it on briefly and wash it out thoroughly. Dry scalp doesn't get better overnight, so you can carry out the treatments once or twice a week.