Red or natural red hair has a very special fascination. That's no wonder, because with their unusual and, above all, rare color, they attract everyone's attention. The spectrum ranges from intense copper red to subtle strawberry blonde to almost orange-looking hair. The unusual head of hair is usually accompanied by fair skin and freckles.
In fact, naturally red hair is a real rarity. The proportion of redheads in the entire world population is estimated at one to two percent. Most of them can be found in Europe. In Scotland, Ireland and Wales in particular, an above-average number of the population has red hair. Most of them owe their hair to a mutation on chromosome 16. But this doesn't just cause copper-colored hair. It also allows redheads to produce more vitamin D and changes their perception of pain. Another special feature is the fact that red hair does not turn gray with age. The red color pigments are incredibly stubborn and simply don't want to disappear. Only in old age does the red slowly fade, becoming increasingly lighter and finally white.