Blonde and red are among the most commonly dyed hair colors. After all, we always want what we don't have, and many people have dark hair. A trend that could continue if theories are to be believed that these two hair colors could one day be considered extinct. Why can red and blonde hair become extinct - and will that really happen?


Humans come from Africa, where they are still exposed to merciless sunlight today. So it's no wonder that darker types had a good chance of survival here. Their dark skin and hair protected them better from the sun. However, once humans made it to less sunny areas of the world, dark hair and skin were not necessarily an advantage. The light-colored type with blonde or red hair emerged, whose skin was able to absorb UV radiation even under less sunny conditions and convert it into vital vitamin D. Even today, many people in Nordic countries are as light blonde as we can only be in this country thanks to hydrogen peroxide. Strictly speaking, blonde and red hair is a genetic mutation and is inherited recessively. Simply put, this means that a blonde or red-haired parent and a dark-haired parent are more likely to produce a dark-haired child. Dark hair colors are inherited dominantly.


Red hair is the enhancement of blonde hair. The skin of these people is so sensitive to light that they can absorb UV radiation even in cloudy regions if there is no sun for a long time. It is estimated that only 2% of the world's population is redheaded, as in most cases this type has no survival advantage - on the contrary. Since this gene is also inherited recessively, there is a real chance that the beautiful hair color in redheads could one day disappear. If two redheads have a child, there is a high probability that the child will also have red hair. Recessive genes can also still come through after several generations - but the probability is low. This means that red-haired children are much less likely than blonde ones. It's a good thing that red hair can be dyed relatively easily. Mahogany red, which is not a natural hair color, even lasts on a dark base and then looks particularly deep. Depending on your natural hair color, you may need to bleach it beforehand to achieve a natural, bright red.


Blonde people are much more common in northern countries than in the south. Their hair color is also inherited recessively, but a much larger proportion of the population has blonde hair. Assumptions that blonde people could also become extinct are therefore considered unlikely - but they have already existed. Not all blondes are the same, every hairdresser will confirm that. The popular light or light blonde mostly occurs in young girls and darkens over the course of life. This has to do with the woman's estrogen level, because the higher it is, the blonder she is. This is also the reason why blondes are so popular among men; the preference for this beautiful hair color is completely unconscious. However, blonde is also available as medium or dark blonde, which can appear hazel brown to the viewer. Because of this range of blonde tones alone, the world's most popular hair color is unlikely to die out.